How much krill oil per day: Plus 10 Ways to reduce Cholesterol

Krill Oil Dosage: Plus 10 ways to reduce cholesterol

Having narrow arteries as a result of bad cholesterol is like a ticking time bomb. It’s not something you can see and when the bomb goes off you’re looking at either a stroke or heart attack and if you’re lucky enough to live through it, albeit with a poorer quality of life, hindsight will make you suffer.

Taking care of your health by simply having a cholesterol test (you can even get a home test kit now and be tested within 2 days) will give you reassurance or an action plan to let you live worry-free.

How Much Krill Oil Per Day Should I Take?

The amount of krill oil per day depends on where you buy from but we first need some background on krill oil to understand what it is and how you could take advantage of its huge healing properties.

What is Krill Oil

Krill oil is an omega-3 fatty acid supplement that contains large amounts of DHA & EPA. If you’re not familiar with it, krill oil is a heavy oil derived from microscopic shrimp-like crustaceans called krill. It has been consumed for thousands of years in Japan and other countries as a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential in our diet but it’s now revealing many more important benefits.

Nowadays, it’s used more frequently as a natural supplement for many health benefits, including a lower risk of heart disease, reduced inflammation and reducing your cholesterol level.

Benefits of Krill Oil

1. It protects your heart. In one study it was shown that taking between 1-3 grams of Krill Oil, increased HDL (Good) Cholesterol. The type of cholesterol that protects your heart.

2. Reduction in hardening of the arteries. A study conducted on 300 people with high triglyceride levels that are more likely to experience hardening of the arteries reduced their triglyceride levels closer to normal after taking 4 grams of krill oil per day compared with people that had taken a placebo.

3. You can think more clearly. Research has shown that cognitive function can be improved which may allow greater focus and quick thinking.

4. Reduces Inflammation. A study at the National Library of Medicine showed that it had an anti-inflammatory effect.

5. It reduces joint pain. Is there any wonder that Mr. Universe Champion Calum Von Moger takes this supplement with half a ton of steel on his back and the weight running through his knees?

Krill Oil Dosage

It seems to be somewhere between 250 milligrams and 4 grams per day, it depends on what you want to use it for and how much DHA and EPA is in the supplement but the guidelines should inform you on the packet. It is recommended that if you’re considering taking high doses, you should consult with your doctor first.

Is It Safe To Take Krill Oil Everyday?

For most people, it is safe to take it every day. If you are considering taking high doses or you are already on medication or have an illness, you should consult with your doctor to be on the safe side.

10 Ways To Reduce Cholesterol

1. Dietary change: This is the easiest and most effective way to reduce Cholesterol. If you eat a healthy diet, it will naturally shed cholesterol levels particularly if you pay attention to portion size.  Obviously, fruit and vegetables should be part of your diet and choosing low-calorie foods rich in fiber and nutrients is critical. This will significantly reduce cholesterol levels naturally without any side effects.

2. Exercise more: This helps burn more fatty acids in our bodies and prevents weight gain, leading to higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

3. Weight loss: Excess weight is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure and high amounts of circulating fat that ends up raising high-density lipoprotein (HDL), bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL, imperfect Cholesterol measure called a total cholesterol/HDL ratio.

4 Reduce alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure as well as triglyceride levels – both of which contribute to increasing total cholesterol and LDL terrible Cholesterol measure – so if you drink alcohol, limit your intake to less than one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men.

5. Regular check-ups: Regular cholesterol tests are critical to ensure that your levels are normal and detect any changes if they start heading in the wrong direction. It will provide you with reassurance. The American Heart Association recommends that adults age 20 and over get their cholesterol levels tested every 4-6 years.

6. Increase your intake of plant sterols: Plant sterols are found in various fruits and vegetables, and they block the absorption of cholesterol that enters the body. Plant sterols are particularly abundant in nuts, beans, and some vegetable oils.

7. Eat fewer carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are made of sugar molecules that turn into glucose to be used as energy. If that energy isn’t used guess what? It turns into fat and will run through your veins. When choosing carbohydrates avoid simple carbs and go for complex carbs such as sweet potatoes, blueberries, beets, oats and quinoa, etc.

8. Vitamin B & E: Vitamins B found in oily fish, beef, liver, chicken and vitamin E found in peanuts, various greens and red pepper have been shown to lower LDL Cholesterol.

9. Plant stanols and sterols: Found in vegetable oils, wholemeal bread, cereals, seeds, nuts, legumes, and fruits and vegetables that may help block the absorption of cholesterol from the digestive system.

10. Reduce intake of trans fats: Trans fats are found in margarine, vegetable shortening, and processed foods. Many people including myself have turned back to traditional products like butter and coconut oil to avoid ‘Trans Fats’.

The Wonder Of Krill Oil

It’s natural, anti-inflammatory and it hasn’t been manufactured like Ibuprofen for example. Although studies haven’t finished it seems to be having very promising results and it’s been having great results in countries like China for centuries.

Krill Oil Side Effects

I’m no Doctor but I am a qualified personal trainer and my advice to you if you are taking medication or you have an illness, is to speak to your doctor to make sure you will not get any negative side effects.

After all, it seems to be a blood-thinner which is fantastic for some people but not necessarily for someone already on blood thinning medication. You must put your mind at ease before you take it.


Take a test so that you know where your cholesterol is at. Either go to your doctor and take a test or get a simple home test kit and you will be either put at ease or if the test result is not good, make a plan to improve your bad cholesterol level. You cannot put a price on having the reassurance that you are in good health and you could be extending your life significantly.