
How Many Carbs In A Slice Of Pizza: Plus 6 Ways To Reduce Your Blood Sugar

Why Carbs in a Pizza Are Horrendous Weight Gainers: Plus 6 Ways To Reduce Your Blood Sugar And Belly Fat

Enjoying delicious meals and comfort food without having to worry about how many carbs in a slice of pizza or if you will gain weight is liberating and so much more enjoyable, especially if you’re a real foodie.

In order to eat with more freedom, it’s very important that you understand what are good carbs and what are bad carbs so that you can reduce your blood sugar and avoid getting fat.

how many carbs in a slice of pizza

The problem with counting carbs and calories is that it’s tedious, time-consuming and makes you feel like you’re a prisoner to your diet.

Eating is a big part of our lives, it should be enjoyed and you shouldn’t have to feel like a prisoner to your diet. With so much misinformation on the internet, it’s understandable that people think that you have to count carbs and calories and have a rigorous exercise routine to stay in shape and it’s simply not the case.

Because there is something that you’re not being told. Something very important that would simplify your diet and put the fun back into your eating. Here’s how you do it:

1. Read the very simple facts about the 3 types of carbs below.

2. Learn the 6 ways to reduce your blood sugar and belly fat. Number 6 is the game changer…

3. Take action so that you don’t have to waste time counting carbs or spend rigorous hours in the gym trying to burn off your guilt about food such as pizza.

Why Carbs in a Pizza Are Horrendous Weight Gainers

Obesity can creep up on people. Nobody wants to have belly fat or worse, develop diabetes but we want to enjoy our food and live healthily.

Generally speaking, there are approximately 36 grams of carbohydrates in a slice of pizza taken from a 14″ regular crust but you need to understand why.  The majority of carbohydrates come from the white flour in the pizza base and when eaten, it quickly turns to glucose and increases your blood sugar level. If your metabolism is slow or it’s not burned off right away, it will get stored as fat.

how many carbs in a slice of pizza

How Many Carbs In A Slice Of Pepperoni Pizza

If you knew how many carbs in a slice of pepperoni pizza you would run a mile or eat it and have overwhelming guilt. There are approximately 68 grams of carbs in a slice of pepperoni pizza and for most people, the only good thing about pepperoni is the taste.

What Are Bad Carbs And Why?

Simple carbohydrates have a short sugar molecular chain and they are usually bad because they spike your blood sugar levels very quickly. Many simple carbs don’t offer much nutritional value and they get stored as fat very quickly if not burned off right away. Some simple carbohydrates are more healthy than others such as milk and whole fruits.

What Are Good Carbs And Why?

Complex carbs contain longer chains of sugar molecules. The majority of Complex Carbohydrates are much better because they tend to be more filling, contain fiber and take longer to digest. This means that the blood sugar spike is less aggressive and it gives your body time to use that energy.

Why Are Carbs Bad In Pizza Base?

The carbs are mainly in the white flour base. The problem with white flower is that although it is classed as a complex carb, it offers very little nutritional value, it’s low in fiber and very high in calories.

Choose Foods High in Fiber

Fibre has many benefits including helping you lose weight, improving digestion and lowering blood pressure. There are only 2.7 grams of fiber in 100 grams of white flour. Wholemeal flour contains 14 grams of fiber.

6 Ways To Reduce Your Blood Sugar And Belly Fat

Too much blood sugar means too much belly fat. There are ways we can reduce our belly fat with or without exercise and choosing the right carbs will play a significant role in reducing your blood sugar.

1. Reduce the number of simple carbs in your diet such as:

  • Sugar
  • Concentrated fruit juice
  • Food with Added Sugar
  • Syrups
  • Candy

2. Reduce your low nutrition complex carbs such as:

  • White Flour
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Pizza
  • Pastries

how many carbs in a slice of pepperoni pizza

3. Increase the number of highly nutritious complex carbs

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Oatmeal
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Barley
  • Oats
  • Broccoli

4. Eat 5 small meals each day instead of 3 big ones

Think of carbohydrates as fuel. You only need enough fuel for what you need to do imminently. That is why we get belly fat with simple carbs, we need to burn off that simple carb fuel right away. If we have too much fuel, it gets stored as fat. If you only provide your body with slow-release carbohydrates for the next 3 hours you will reduce your likelihood of getting fat.

5. Have more protein in your diet

Protein is filling and it will sustain you for longer avoiding hunger pangs.  Good protein sources include:

  • Chicken breast
  • Eggs
  • Dairy (also a complex carb high in nutrition)
  • Peanut butter
  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Sweet potatoes

6. Speed up your metabolism

This is by far the easiest way to reduce your blood sugar and burn calories faster because our metabolism determines how fast we burn calories. Some people have a fast metabolism and some people have a slow one. You may have noticed that some people, no matter how much they eat and how little they exercise, they hardly put on weight. This is down to the amount of brown adipose tissues in their body. The more brown adipose tissue you have the faster your metabolism works.

how many carbs in a slice of pepperoni pizza

How Many Carbs In A Slice Of Pizza: Conclusion

Instead of wondering how many carbs in a slice of pizza?”.. A more useful question would be to ask yourself…“What Type Of Carbohydrates Should I Be Consuming And How Can I Reduce My Blood Sugar And Belly Fat?”

So focus on the 6 points above and make better choices with your carbohydrates so you don’t have to go through the tedious process of counting carbs or worrying about how many carbs in a slice of pizza. Instead, live your life with more freedom about what you eat and keep your blood sugar down by speeding up your metabolism.

How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat: With or Without Exercise

How To Get Rid Of Armpit Fat With Or Without Diet Or Exercise

Even people who diet and exercise can’t seem to get rid of armpit fat and it can totally ruin your body shape. They make your armpits sweat more, your clothes get wet and if you’re not self-conscious enough, the odour that you think people can smell around you can dirty. Not exactly a boost for a potential relationship.How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat

It’s as stubborn and as ugly as belly fat and we don’t necessarily have time for the gym. The problem is that our busy lives are fast-moving but our metabolism is grinding to a halt and we just keep piling on the wobbly fat.

Here you will find out how to get rid of armpit fat with or without diet and exercise or you could go the rapid effective route of speeding up your metabolism. Check out these proven killer tips below.

How To Get Rid Of Armpit Fat Without Diet And Exercise

1. Speed Up Your Metabolism

Some people are just born with a slow metabolism and put on weight very easily but for people that a slow metabolism it is insanely difficult to get rid of armpit fat. This is because of the low levels of brown adipose tissue that our bodies naturally produce.

The amount of brown adipose tissues determine how quickly our metabolism works. The more of this tissue you have, the faster and easier it is for your metabolism to burn your body’s calories and get rid of fat. You can learn how to get speed up your metabolism here.

2. Exfoliate to Remove Dead Skin

This doesn’t get rid of armpit fat but exfoliating will promote the growth of new skin cells. If you want to make your arms look leaner then exfoliating is one easy way to do it!

3. Keep Hydrated

Making sure you are properly hydrated is a key point when it comes to getting rid of armpit fat. If you are not drinking enough water it can cause your arms to look bigger and fatter.

A lot of people don’t drink enough water and they think they can get rid of armpit fat by simply running more, but that is not the case.How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat fast

How To Get Rid Of Armpit Fat With Exercise

4. Run or Walk More

Run or walk more so your body can burn the fat off. It’s a great way to get rid of armpit fat. It may not seem like it’s as effective as some other activities like step aerobics or swimming but running can really help you get rid of armpit fat.

5. Train to Increase Your Metabolism

Resistance training will burn calories and get rid of armpit fat, especially if you do calisthenics. It strengthens joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. It also increases bone density and will burn calories fast.

You will need to be disciplined and make sure you make time for yourself, even if only 20 minutes each day. Calisthenics includes more than one muscle group per exercise and is just about the best form of exercise and they can even help you live longer.

6. Arm/Chest Specific Exercises

Your arms can be strengthened and toned to help your arms be predominant with chiseled lean muscle once you get rid of armpit fat, showing them to be more shapely and sexier instead of wobbly fat. Try to include these in your routine:

Biceps-Bicep Curls, hammer curls, reverse curls
Triceps/Chest-Triceps extension, Skull crushers, press-ups, Close Grip Bench Press, Kickbacks, Triceps Extension with a rope attachment, Dips.

How To Get Rid Of Armpit Fat With Diet

7. Burn More Calories

If calories are burned, fat is burned so if you take the exercises from point 3 and include them in a sharp, fast exercise routine you will burn off fat. Just make sure that you burn more calories than you take in.

Remember that the average female needs around 1500 calories each day just to support bodily functions and the nervous system. You will need more calories to exercise.

As an example, if you burn off 300 calories in a 20-minute exercise routine, have only a 250-calorie meal afterward.

8. Eat only Lean Protein

Protein will help repair and shape the muscle in your arms and chest. It keeps you fuller for longer so it’s easier to resist the urge to snack. Have a protein-rich breakfast of eggs or porridge with water instead of milk and chocolate protein powder, it’s tasty and filling with good slow-release carbs. Do eat plenty of greens, fruits, and veggies during the day too!How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat

9. Avoid Processed Food

Processed food is just plain bad. Tasty, but very bad for our heart and they put fat on your arms very quickly especially if you have a slow metabolism.

Avoid processed foods where possible and choose simple unprocessed food that doesn’t contain any hydrogenated fat. Choosing simple natural butter rather than margarine is an example of a good food choice.

10. Avoid Simple Carbs and Go For Complex Carbs

Simple carbs such as sugar, white flour-based food and white rice basically convert to sugar very quickly and can cause a huge spike in blood sugar and can very quickly turn to fat if not burned off.

Complex carbs such as wholegrains, wholemeal flour, brown rice, legumes and vegetable do this much slower and will reduce the spike and reduce the accumulation of fat in your arms.

Now you know how to get rid of armpit fat it’s up to you to make the change. You can do it, it’s a case of planning and willpower. I get it, it can be hard because our lifestyles and commitments to other people and things in our life can make this very difficult.

If you can’t find the time to diet and exercise, speed up your metabolism…


Remember this…if you can get rid of your armpit fat, you will have much better confidence about you, feeling embarrassed about your appearance and not becoming the best version of yourself is a waste.

You are the most important person in your life. If you feel great, you will likely make the people in your life feel great too. Get rid of armpit fat, you deserve it.

If you have fat or want to improve certain areas of your body, just follow the links below:How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat fast

Get Rid of Belly Fat

Sculpt an Amazing Booty

How to Lose Belly Fat Overnight With Vaseline: Researched Truth

One of the main reasons for belly fat or fat is that our metabolism cannot keep up with our lifestyle. You can learn how to speed up your metabolism right here and lose belly fat overnight.

Not everybody has time to go to the gym or keep our family happy with healthier meals. Families are busy and if you’re trying lose weight on your own, not everybody in your family will be happy with a 250 calorie meal so having healthier meals isn’t always convenient. There are many methods to lose belly fat literally 24/7 but vaseline????

Surely pasting Vaseline on your belly or using a plastic wrap for burning belly fat is a waste of time. If I was to show you how to lose belly fat overnight with Vaseline you would laugh because it’s a ridiculous process, very uncomfortable and not healthy. But some people claim that you can loose inches overnight…Really???


How to Lose Belly Fat Overnight With Vaseline: RESEARCHED

During my research, I came across using a plastic wrap for belly fat/plastic wrap for stomach while sleeping. Some claim that you can loose inches overnight or even get a flat stomach overnight. Ask yourself this question: What is my gut instinct (pardon the pun) about these claims?

If you think it’s a load of rubbish, then you’re mostly correct. But wait…there are better, healthier, proven methods right here.

Before we dig deeper into the Vaseline methods and I Introduce you into some science-based methods that actually work (without dieting or having to go to the gym), let’s take a look at what a Vaseline wrap does and doesn’t do.

Here’s What A Plastic Wrap For Belly Fat Does…

The basic concept is that you smother your belly in Vaseline and put a cling film or plastic wrap over the top. The Vaseline with a wrap makes your skin underneath become very hot.

Your skin pores become blocked and the area will sweat profusely particularly when you exercise, until the wrap and the Vaseline is removed from the skin.

As a result you will burn more calories (although not that many) because your body is working harder by producing more sweat and trying to cool you down a little more than usual but only if you are exercising. It will not remove belly fat directly.

Here’s What A Plastic Wrap For Belly Fat Doesn’t Do…

Before the introduction of sports science, Sports and fitness professional used to train with a plastic wrap for belly fat but it was realised that when they rehydrated themselves, most of the weight would go back on as they took on more fluids.

That said, It was difficult to measure whether it worked because the training that they would do, would obviously help them lose weigh in fat too. You may have heard that professional boxers use methods to sweat a lot before a weigh in for a fight.

They do this so that they pass the weigh-in so that are not too heavy and then they meet the required weight.

Plastic Wrap For Belly Fat Claims

Can you loose inches overnight?

Whilst you can loose inches overnight with methods other than the Vaseline method, it would take some time to achieve a reduction in belly fat. The amount you would lose depends on your metabolism, your daily activity, your diet and other factors. You will not loose inches overnight or lose belly fat overnight while sleeping with vaseline.

plastic wrap for belly fat

Plastic Wrap On Stomach While Sleeping: Why It Doesn’t Work

If you put a plastic wrap on your stomach while sleeping, it’s going to be uncomfortable and unhealthy for your skin. Your skin pores need to remain unblocked while sleeping otherwise you could end up with spots.

It can make you lose weight but unfortunately you will not lose belly fat. You will lose weight but in fluids only. If you think about it, it’s inevitable that you will wake up lighter than when you went to bed.

This is simply because you lose weight through sweating and if you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, more fluid weight will be lost. You can lose around ¼ pound in sweat alone. Using a plastic wrap for belly fat while sleeping does not work.

Flat Stomach Overnight?

No. unfortunately you will not get a flat stomach overnight. There are methods you can use where you lose belly fat 24/7 but to get a flat stomach overnight is a stretch. Your belly would have to be almost flat before you went to bed. So unfortunately, you will not get a flat stomach overnight.

If you google “how to lose belly fat overnight with vaseline” google says that 1,150 people search this term each month.

Lose Belly Fat Overnight With Confidence

How to lose belly fat overnight with vaseline is the wrong question. The right question is how to speed up my metabolism. Here at I’ve been researching other methods that you can use to lose belly fat without going to the gym or dieting and they’re evidence based/scientifically proven methods to lose belly fat literally 24/7.

There are little lifestyle changes that you can make and they’re really for people that cannot get to the gym or have the time convenience to make more healthy meals.

Science based methods to lose belly fat overnight

If you know how to lose belly fat overnight with vaseline or how to get a flat stomach overnight with vaseline and you can prove it works please feel free to comment below.

how to get a flat stomach overnight with vaseline


How To Lose Belly Fat Overnight

How To Lose Belly Fat Overnight: Plus New Scientific Weight Loss Discovery

Knowing how to lose belly fat overnight is great but applying the methods is the key to quick weight loss. Some methods are fast and others are slow and difficult. Even with strict diet and exercise have you ever wondered why it’s insanely difficult to lose belly fat?

In the US, half of the people that lose weight with dieting put the weight back on within 2 years and only 20% of dieters manage to maintain long-term weight loss.  A slow metabolism combined with a sedentary lifestyle is causing these figures to soar.

how to lose belly fat overnight


Diet and Exercise Isn’t For Everybody

There’s nothing worse than looking in the mirror and after all of your hard work, you’re still seeing flab hanging over your belt. For most people, especially as they get older, it’s the single hardest part of your body to lose fat. Dieting is tedious, exercise is time-consuming and it’s not a practical solution for everybody.

The Real Issue With Belly Fat

Belly fat makes us feel self-conscious and embarrassed.  The thought of going to a public swimming pool or the beach isn’t exactly a confidence booster. Buying clothes just to hide your belly fat and going up dress sizes is depressing. Belly fat takes the fun out of your life and you shouldn’t have to feel this way.

There are much easier ways to lose belly fat other than dieting and exercise. Ways that are simple, healthy, clean, and Fast!

This Is The Reason For Belly Fat…

Ever Heard the Phrase ‘I Have a Slow Metabolism’? What alot of people suffer from is a slow metabolism and as we get older it worsens, when this happens the weight piles on and we tend to suffer as a result and buying clothes is no longer fun.

If people knew how to speed up their metabolism we wouldn’t have insane obesity and depression statistics. Some people simply don’t have the time for the gym or have the convenience to prepare ‘weight loss’ meals for themselves and at the same time prepare ordinary tasty meals for their family.

How to Lose Belly Fat Overnight: Tips

There are simple, natural and safe solutions that can speed up your metabolism, so much that you can start losing belly fat literally overnight without crazy diet plans or time-consuming work in the gym.

You can learn how to lose belly fat overnight by starting with these simple tips so you can be lean, attractive, and confident.

1. Base Your Meals On Protein

Unlike carbohydrates, protein is a natural source of energy that is not stored in your body as fat. Protein will reduce your appetite so you will be satisfied with smaller meals. It helps avoid snacking by reducing hunger and cravings between meals. Protein boosts your metabolism, too.

Choose lean protein like lean cuts of beef, poultry without the skin, fish, and eggs.

2. Eat A Fiber-Rich Diet

Like Protein, Fiber-rich foods will help you stay full and can reduce fat in your abdomen.

Some examples include beans and legumes, salt-free nuts, berries, and fruits with the skins intact.

3. Do Not Eat Or Drink At Night

Food, beverages, and alcohol should be avoided after dinnertime. For the best results, have dinner at 5 p.m. Losing belly fat overnight means early dinnertime.

how to lose belly fat overnight


4. Drink Plenty Of Water

Water will do more than keep you hydrated. It will help you digest food, and flush waste from your body.

Have a glass of water with fresh lemon juice before each meal and at bedtime to flush excess fat away.

5. How to Lose Belly Fat Overnight Drink Recipe: Weight Loss Smoothies

Dark Chocolate Banana Nut Smoothie

You can make this recipe within minutes. All you need to do is place these ingredients in your blender, for 2 minutes:

1 tsp. dark chocolate morsels

1/2 small banana

1 cup. unsweetened almond milk

20 grams plant-based chocolate protein powder

1/8 cup. chopped walnuts

6 ice cubes

small amount of water for blending

Avocado Berry Smoothie

Blend these ingredients together:

1/2 avocado

1/2 tbsp. chia seeds

1/2 cup. cashew milk

1/4 cup. each frozen raspberries, frozen blackberries, and frozen blueberries.

Puree the drink until it is smooth. Add some ice, and blend until it is the consistency you prefer.

New Scientific Weight Loss Discovery Reveals The Root Cause of Belly Fat

6. Reduce Your Body’s Cortisol Levels

Cortisol is a natural hormone that can increase belly fat. When cortisol levels are decreased, abdominal fat will start to melt away. There are a number of ways you can address this issue.

First, try to reduce the amount of stress in your life. Stress actually increases cortisol levels. There are many ways you can help your body and mind relax. Some examples include yoga, warm bubble baths, and reading a good book. When your goal is knowing how to lose belly fat overnight, reducing stress is critical.

Second, a good night’s sleep can lower cortisol levels. Make sure your bed is comfortable, and it’s dark. Disconnect your electronics an hour before bedtime. Avoid late-night activities, and strive for 8 hours of restful sleep.

Third, hot showers at bedtime can reduce cortisol levels and help you relax and fall asleep faster.

how to lose belly fat overnight

7. How To Lose Belly Fat Overnight: Try A Different Meal Schedule

Perhaps you are familiar with 3 meals each day, or eating whenever you are hungry. Try 5 small meals per day instead.

Consider a small meal to be 200-300 calories. Space your meals between 3 and 4 hours apart.

This will keep you full until your next meal & our metabolism will work more effectively and hunger hormones will be regulated.

8. Eliminate Some Products From Your Diet

Avoid processed foods and foods containing white sugar. Avoid empty calories, such as carbonated beverages and alcohol. Choose whole, fresh foods that are naturally low in calories and high in nutritional value.

9. Increase Your Physical Activity

Exercise is essential when you want to burn belly fat but you don’t have to go crazy. The key to success is to find forms of exercise that you truly enjoy. You can do calisthenics on your bedroom floor, or purchase some inexpensive home exercise equipment. You can choose from a wide variety of exercise videos so you can work out or dance to music.

However, there are more options than traditional exercise. Walk to work instead of driving. Jog around the neighborhood when the weather is nice, or play ball with your kids. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you think about it, you can find many ways to increase physical activity in your daily life.

10. Speed Up Your Metabolism

Cooler temperatures will help your body burn calories while you sleep. When you sleep in a cool room, your metabolic rate will naturally increase to keep you warm. If you don’t mind sleeping in a cool room try reducing the temperature.

How to Lose Belly Fat Overnight With Natural Supplements

If you want to accelerate your metabolism more quickly, you could invest in supplements.

Diets and exercise plans are great but they are not necessarily convenient for everybody so learn how to lose belly fat overnight with alternative methods like these and get results by making habits out of them. You will roll back the years, life will become more fun again and your confidence will shoot through the roof.

Don’t continue with the uphill battle of trying to lose belly fat in the old conventional way of dieting and exercise if this method keeps disappointing you. Life is way too short and you don’t deserve to feel that way.

Start losing belly fat with these tips but if you want to lose belly fat quickly, speed up your metabolism. You’ll roll back the years and give yourself beach-ready confidence and an energy boost you to lose belly fat overnight


How much krill oil per day: Plus 10 Ways to reduce Cholesterol

Krill Oil Dosage: Plus 10 ways to reduce cholesterol

Having narrow arteries as a result of bad cholesterol is like a ticking time bomb. It’s not something you can see and when the bomb goes off you’re looking at either a stroke or heart attack and if you’re lucky enough to live through it, albeit with a poorer quality of life, hindsight will make you suffer.

Taking care of your health by simply having a cholesterol test (you can even get a home test kit now and be tested within 2 days) will give you reassurance or an action plan to let you live worry-free.

How Much Krill Oil Per Day Should I Take?

The amount of krill oil per day depends on where you buy from but we first need some background on krill oil to understand what it is and how you could take advantage of its huge healing properties.

What is Krill Oil

Krill oil is an omega-3 fatty acid supplement that contains large amounts of DHA & EPA. If you’re not familiar with it, krill oil is a heavy oil derived from microscopic shrimp-like crustaceans called krill. It has been consumed for thousands of years in Japan and other countries as a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential in our diet but it’s now revealing many more important benefits.

Nowadays, it’s used more frequently as a natural supplement for many health benefits, including a lower risk of heart disease, reduced inflammation and reducing your cholesterol level.

Benefits of Krill Oil

1. It protects your heart. In one study it was shown that taking between 1-3 grams of Krill Oil, increased HDL (Good) Cholesterol. The type of cholesterol that protects your heart.

2. Reduction in hardening of the arteries. A study conducted on 300 people with high triglyceride levels that are more likely to experience hardening of the arteries reduced their triglyceride levels closer to normal after taking 4 grams of krill oil per day compared with people that had taken a placebo.

3. You can think more clearly. Research has shown that cognitive function can be improved which may allow greater focus and quick thinking.

4. Reduces Inflammation. A study at the National Library of Medicine showed that it had an anti-inflammatory effect.

5. It reduces joint pain. Is there any wonder that Mr. Universe Champion Calum Von Moger takes this supplement with half a ton of steel on his back and the weight running through his knees?

Krill Oil Dosage

It seems to be somewhere between 250 milligrams and 4 grams per day, it depends on what you want to use it for and how much DHA and EPA is in the supplement but the guidelines should inform you on the packet. It is recommended that if you’re considering taking high doses, you should consult with your doctor first.

Is It Safe To Take Krill Oil Everyday?

For most people, it is safe to take it every day. If you are considering taking high doses or you are already on medication or have an illness, you should consult with your doctor to be on the safe side.

10 Ways To Reduce Cholesterol

1. Dietary change: This is the easiest and most effective way to reduce Cholesterol. If you eat a healthy diet, it will naturally shed cholesterol levels particularly if you pay attention to portion size.  Obviously, fruit and vegetables should be part of your diet and choosing low-calorie foods rich in fiber and nutrients is critical. This will significantly reduce cholesterol levels naturally without any side effects.

2. Exercise more: This helps burn more fatty acids in our bodies and prevents weight gain, leading to higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

3. Weight loss: Excess weight is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure and high amounts of circulating fat that ends up raising high-density lipoprotein (HDL), bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL, imperfect Cholesterol measure called a total cholesterol/HDL ratio.

4 Reduce alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure as well as triglyceride levels – both of which contribute to increasing total cholesterol and LDL terrible Cholesterol measure – so if you drink alcohol, limit your intake to less than one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men.

5. Regular check-ups: Regular cholesterol tests are critical to ensure that your levels are normal and detect any changes if they start heading in the wrong direction. It will provide you with reassurance. The American Heart Association recommends that adults age 20 and over get their cholesterol levels tested every 4-6 years.

6. Increase your intake of plant sterols: Plant sterols are found in various fruits and vegetables, and they block the absorption of cholesterol that enters the body. Plant sterols are particularly abundant in nuts, beans, and some vegetable oils.

7. Eat fewer carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are made of sugar molecules that turn into glucose to be used as energy. If that energy isn’t used guess what? It turns into fat and will run through your veins. When choosing carbohydrates avoid simple carbs and go for complex carbs such as sweet potatoes, blueberries, beets, oats and quinoa, etc.

8. Vitamin B & E: Vitamins B found in oily fish, beef, liver, chicken and vitamin E found in peanuts, various greens and red pepper have been shown to lower LDL Cholesterol.

9. Plant stanols and sterols: Found in vegetable oils, wholemeal bread, cereals, seeds, nuts, legumes, and fruits and vegetables that may help block the absorption of cholesterol from the digestive system.

10. Reduce intake of trans fats: Trans fats are found in margarine, vegetable shortening, and processed foods. Many people including myself have turned back to traditional products like butter and coconut oil to avoid ‘Trans Fats’.

The Wonder Of Krill Oil

It’s natural, anti-inflammatory and it hasn’t been manufactured like Ibuprofen for example. Although studies haven’t finished it seems to be having very promising results and it’s been having great results in countries like China for centuries.

Krill Oil Side Effects

I’m no Doctor but I am a qualified personal trainer and my advice to you if you are taking medication or you have an illness, is to speak to your doctor to make sure you will not get any negative side effects.

After all, it seems to be a blood-thinner which is fantastic for some people but not necessarily for someone already on blood thinning medication. You must put your mind at ease before you take it.


Take a test so that you know where your cholesterol is at. Either go to your doctor and take a test or get a simple home test kit and you will be either put at ease or if the test result is not good, make a plan to improve your bad cholesterol level. You cannot put a price on having the reassurance that you are in good health and you could be extending your life significantly.

Is Whey Protein Gluten Free: Plus How To Identify Good Protein

Is whey protein gluten free

There are various types of protein to suit dietary requirements and whey protein is the most popular and nowadays it’s not uncommon for people to ask ‘is whey protein gluten free’. There is a type of protein for everybody.

Whey protein or vegetarian protein is critical if we want to pack on lean pounds or just get stronger, without it there is hardly any progress and we have nothing to show for our gym work and that can leave us frustrated and disappointed.

By taking a decent protein you will pack on lean muscle, get stronger and have a chiseled body to show for your hard work.

Is there gluten in whey protein?

Gluten is derived from proteins in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale but is whey protein gluten free?  There are so many products out there that contain gluten and you need to know exactly what you’re looking for in protein so that you can get the best results for your body and not waste your money on products that contain gluten or are of poor quality…


is whey protein gluten free

There Are 2 Main Types of Whey Protein…

There are 2 main types of whey protein-Whey Protein Concentrate and Whey Protein Isolate:

  1. Is whey protein concentrate gluten free? Yes because this is your regular protein that is derived from dairy in the milk/cheese-making process. The best whey proteins are rich in amino acids that help repair and build muscles.
  2. Is whey protein isolate gluten free? Yes, it’s s a purified form of protein concentrate that goes through a process called Cross-Flow Micro-Filtration which separates the protein from other fats, carbs, sugars and cholesterol. Whey protein isolate is a great choice if you want to burn fat and improve your body composition.

  How To Identify Good Gluten Free Whey Protein?

It can be a bit of a minefield but a good protein should contain these ingredients:

  1. Protein. You need between 20 and 30 grams of protein per serving.
  2. Branch Chain Amino Acids (for energy, digestion, immune system, etc). There are 9 essential BCAA’s and a serving should contain between 5 and 12 grams.
  3. Leucine (this is an essential amino acid). For tissue regeneration, make sure you have at least 3 grams of Leucine per serving.

  How much protein do I need to build muscle?

1 gram of protein per pound (2.2 grams per kg) of body weight.

  How much whey protein per scoop?

Usually, about 10 grams but the product should tell you how much per serving before you buy.

  Can I get a vegetarian protein?

Sure. Check out this article: Whey Protein vs Plant Protein.

  Where can I get good protein?

Look for FDA-registered brands like Bulk Supplements or even better, identify sources that have been developed by bodybuilders as part of their mentoring       program because if you’re buying from top athletes that endorse a product, you’re gonna get the best for you. These 2 are affordable high-end brands:

  1. Kaged Muscle is a very high-quality product that was developed by Layne Norton. It’s a science-based recipe containing everything a weight-lifter or bodybuilder needs with incredibly high standards designed to maximize your results.
  2. Bulk Supplements supply just about anything you might need. What I like about this brand is that they not only have high-quality proteins but they have just about any supplement you need. You can get them in high bulk too so you can save money.

is whey protein gluten free

  Can I get away without protein as a supplement?

Protein is essential when you are weight training and you will need a protein supplement in your diet to get the best results. I didn’t realize this until I started taking it, I was trying not to spend money and thought that I would just have protein in my diet from the food I ate. When I started supplementing my diet I very quickly started to pack lean muscle and I would recover much more quickly which enabled me to train harder, for longer and reduce my rest periods.

Joshua J Blaize Super Pump Biceps Workout Plus 6 tips to Reduce Lactic Acid

Joshua J Blaize

Joshua J Blaize is a competitive bodybuilder with the most spectacular biceps. His biceps routine is made up of killer supersets achievable by anybody in any gym. There are no crazy machines or resources needed but you will need to reduce the amount of lactic acid in your muscles during your workout because it’s a burner. It’s an intense workout especially when you compare it with say Helmut Strebls workout which is relatively simple.

joshua j blaize

This 5-minute post will show you the incredible super pump biceps workout with critical form tips and 6 often overlooked tips on how to get through it without the overwhelming lactic acid burn. Without preventing the burn, you will not be able to get through the Joshua J Blaize super pump biceps workout to get the insane results that he does.


Joshua J Blaize Super Pump Biceps Workout: Supersets

There are 8 exercises that make up the 4 supersets so there is an incredible volume in a short period of time which is why you get the massive pump. All of them should be in the standing position except the machine curls.


1Hammer Curls412-15
Spider Curls410-12
2Cable Curls410-12
EZ Bar (Standing)412-15
3Dumbell Hammer Curls412-15
EZ Bar (Standing)510-12
4Dumbell Curls312-15
Machine Curls312-15

Exercise tips

  1. Use the Hammer Curl bar, it’s often underused.
  2. When standing, place one foot in front of the other to avoid ‘swaying’ forwards and backwards and assisting the exercise. Where possible, do the exercises with your back against the wall to further isolate the bicep.
  3. Stand up straight and keep your body and spine aligned.
  4. Keep your core/abs engaged during the reps.
  5. Breath out during flexion and breath in during extension as if pumping the air out of your lungs.
  6. Reduce the rests between supersets as much as possible; aim to achieve all repetitions and increase rest by up to 2 minutes. If you still can’t achieve all of the reps, reduce the load. FORM IS KING!!
  7. Keep the elbows tucked in and if you cannot prevent them from moving forwards during the exercise, increase the rest in between sets by up to 2 minutes or reduce the load.
  8. Adjust the width of your grip for variation and total coverage of the biceps.

Increasing Your Lactic Acid Threshold

When Lactic Acid starts to build up to a point where the pain stops you from getting any more reps out-you have reached your Lactate Threshold. To increase your threshold do this:

  1. STAY HYDRATED. That means being fully hydrated as you enter the gym and staying hydrated throughout and afterwards. Your urine should be straw-like in colour. Not clear or brown/orange.
  2. EAT A BALANCED DIET. Choose whole grains, fruit and vegetables and lean meats.
  3. REST. Your body needs to be given an optimum amount of rest between exercises. Give yourself too much rest between supersets and you stifle your progress, not enough rest will reduce the volume. Be patient and work out your optimum rest and remember it for future workouts. Be rigid with your rest periods and don’t allow your rest period to lapse or your progress will be affected.
  4. SLEEP. Not having enough sleep puts the brakes on your lifting potential and your muscle growth potential. This is often overlooked and excused with ” I get on ok with only 6 hours sleep”. Don’t kid yourself, your body gets tired and ends up with a massive amount of sleep debt and it makes you weaker.
  5. TAKE DEEP BREATHS. Shallow breathing or holding your breath is dangerous. Taking deep breaths in during the lift and breaths out as you finish the rep will deliver a good supply of Oxygen which helps to break down and burn off the lactic acid. 
  6. USE BETA ALANINE.  Reduce muscle fatigue and lactic acid with quality Beta-Alanine. Try to get up to 5 grammes each day but consider more for high-intensity workouts. Beta-Alanine is often added to pre-workout drinks for maximum effect and taken with creatine monohydrate. Other benefits include:
    1. It builds lean muscle.
    2. It blocks fat.
    3. Decreases Fatigue
    4. Fast recovery after exercise.
    5. IncreaseS Cardnosine.
    6. Maximises Endurance
    7. Anti-Aging Properties.
    8. Supports the Nervous System.
    9. Promotes Brain Health.

joshua j blaze biceps pump


Islam Badurgov: Plus 7 Calisthenics Exercises That Turn Your Body Into Steel

Islam Badurgov: Extreme Calisthenics Street Athlete

Islam Badurgov is a street athlete who gained traction for his viral workout videos. Many were notably impressed by his tricks, strength and calisthenics skill, which is why the athlete receives has risen to fame. His commendable skills and expertise in calisthenics were caught on video, which eventually gave him his much-deserved fame.

isl‎am badurgov

Being able to exercise using your own body weight is just about the most impressive form of exercise. It was founded in ancient Greece as a way of building and sculpting your body and today it is recommended to combat various health conditions. In bodybuilding, compound exercises are used to promote mass muscle growth, so it’s no wonder that Calisthenics packs on fantastic lean, quality muscle with acute definition, but there’s much more to it than that…



It’s versatile and the benefits are through the roof:

  1. Whole-body Transformation. It is mainly compound movements so it transforms your body into a chiseled, lean gymnast-like state and it is hugely impressive.
  2. It Reduces Injury. It trains and strengthens the connective tissue and joints so you’re less at risk from the little niggles that other forms of exercise can bring on. Your core becomes a powerhouse.
  3. Huge Fat Burner.  Most of your body is under tension and being challenged so the fat gets burned and the muscles get strengthened.
  4. Balance. It cultivates an impressive posture, performance and accelerates the functionality of your body.

islam badurgov



HEIGHT: 5’9” or 175 cm

WEIGHT: 79.4 to 83.9 kg or 175-185 lbs

PROFESSION: Professional Street Workout Athlete, Calisthenics Expert, and Fitness Model,


Islam’s passion for calisthenics and working out does not only stop there. He believes that if you want to sculpt your physique and become a powerhouse, you should follow the appropriate training for it. For instance, Islam states that you should opt for, or even better, add weight training to your regimen if you’re looking to gain more size.

isl‎am badurgov calisthenics

In the early days of Islam’s calisthenics journey, he tried various ways to achieve strength and gain size. During these times, he would practice street Workout’ for many hours on end and resorted to different experiments and variants of his workout to see which would work best for him. He also tried explosive routines and reduced rests between sets to catapult his progress.


It wasn’t until he eventually started combining weight training with calisthenics that he began to notice significant improvements and results. Islam’s major advice for fitness enthusiasts is to integrate bodyweight workouts with strength training. This will help the body become stronger and calisthenics will give you more functionality and flexibility.


Eat Clean! Islam’s primary goal is to provide inspiration for many people to lead a healthier and more active way of life. His videos alone are a testament to how constant exercise alongside a healthy diet can do wonders for your physique and overall health.


Islam still sticks by this goal as he continues with his passion for calisthenics and workouts, hoping to spark a positive change in people when it comes to lifestyle. He also manages the fitness clubs he founded in Kazakhstan, where he helps people achieve the same aims as him.


WARNING!! Before you go and try these I gotta warn you. If you haven’t done exercises like handstands yet (at least since you were a kid) don’t rush into it. It’s not uncommon for people to dive straight in to advanced calisthenics only to dislocate a shoulder.

Remember what calisthenics does…it strengthens the joints and tendons but it does it for good reason…it needs to strengthen them because you’re putting an intense and unusual amount of pressure on them. You need to know the step-by-step movements to become a calisthenics powerhouse without getting injured.

pistol squat


  1. PISTOL SQUAT. Think about it…if a 200lb person can squat 200lb, imagine being able to squat that on ONE leg. It works your hamstrings giving you immense leg power.
  2. ONE ARM PUSH UP. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is just like a dumbbell press movement…The One Arm Push up activates every muscle in your body and your core will be transformed into a steel washboard.
  3. ONE ARM PULL UP. An advanced move that develops lats like Ronnie Coleman.
  4. BRIDGES. Not just to develop a steel core, it fortifies your spinal muscles (erecta spinae) and the posterior of your core.
  5. HANDSTAND PUSH UP. This feels like the equivalent of pouring aviation fuel on your shoulders and setting light to them. Imagine how they will develop…
  6. ONE ARM HANGING LEG RAISES. To develop your grip, shoulders, lats and strengthen the external and internal obliques, which are the abs nobody usually gets to see!!
  7. All the other usual gym compound movements like Squat, Deadlift etc are considered the basics of calisthenics. There are many more advanced exercises that can be performed almost anywhere.


Calum Von Moger Workout: Get His Insane Workout

Calum Von Moger Workout Routine

The Calum Von Moger Workout is a proven competition winner and is the blueprint to a fine-looking physique. Is there any wonder Calum Von Moger followed a similar path to Arnold Schwartzenegger?  Let’s dive into his Workout Routine, Diet, and why Krill Oil should be part of your diet.

You’ll discover why his selection of compound movements are critical to any bodybuilder’s success, mainly Chin Ups, Squat, Dips and Deadlift.

Calum Von Moger Background

With a height of 6’2, and a massive 250lbs weight, Calum Von Moger is a 31 yr. old pro bodybuilder hailing from the outback. This Australian native gained fame back in 2013 after this motivational YouTube video, Mad Desire, which now has over 10 Million views, made him an overnight sensation. The Calum Von Moger Workout has gone from strength to strength.

“Maybe his weird supplements play their part”…

calum von moger workout routine

What started as a simple video for fitness inspiration from a GNC employee chasing a bodybuilding dream, went on to become an incredible career, transforming like-minded individuals from around the world.

Why Use Krill Oil?

Training isn’t all about the here and now, it’s about our future also. Yes we may want results now but aren’t we always in the here and now? With compound movements a staple in our training, our joints are gonna need some TLC and later on in life so is our cholesterol. Just take a look at only some of the advantages of taking a good Krill Oil supplement below…

  • Rich in omega-3 fatty acids reducing inflammation
  • Improve blood lipids and support heart health
  • Reduce arthritis and joint pain
  • Fight inflammation
  • Fortifies immune function
  • Aids memory and boosts cognition
  • Manage PMS symptoms
  • Weight management

Calum Von Moger Workout

Calum had a humble beginning to his bodybuilding journey, working out alongside his brother, with tarnished dumbbells and barbells, out of a run-down warehouse, the von mogler workout developed. He mentions on his website that he was constantly striving to catch up to his brother who always had more strength and size. Not only did he surpass him, but he also ended up making his name well known throughout the bodybuilding community, landing him the nickname Arnold 2.0.

Calum Von Moger Becomes Arnold Schwarzenegger (2.0)

Few men could place themselves in a physique category comparable with an icon like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Could you imagine auditioning to portray him in a movie? This is exactly what Calum did, playing the role of the legend himself in the 2018 film Bigger.

arnold 2.0

He competed in his first competition at a local show in 2009, at the age of 19, and later won the WFF title, Mr. Universe, in 2015. In 2016 he crossed over to the NPC, winning his debut show. By this time he had made a name for himself and was becoming the “guy to beat”. Presenting a well-defined physique with great conditioning, he was expected by many to explode in the NPC and skyrocket his way to the Olympia stage.

Set Back…Becomes Inspiration

Unfortunately, after an accident where he was attempting to repel down a cliff left him with a torn bicep, a ruptured quadriceps tendon, and the dislocation of his kneecap, his career and dream came to a temporary standstill.

But you can’t keep someone with Calum’s drive down. After losing nearly 50 pounds of hard-earned muscle, he stayed relentless and made his comeback. He returned to the stage in the 2020 NPC Universe show, competing as 1 of 17 in the Classic Physique Division.

calum von moger 2020

His scorecard was a unanimous first place amongst the judges, earning him the highly sought-after Pro Card. As of now, his focus is working diligently toward bringing the ultimate package to his pro debut and pushing others to give their all.

He recently moved back to Australia, opened his own gym, started a clothing label Von Moger , and is currently carrying out his passion for teaching others the power of fitness and building the physique they dream of.

His approach is that of the old-school pros, a physique so well sculpted it appears as if it were chiseled from stone. He believes quality muscle is key over quantity, his training style reflects that and you won’t hear the most shredded man in the world disagreeing.

Calum Von Moger Workout Routine: Why He Hammers The Compound Movements…

His workout routine is just as intense as his drive. He focuses on compound movements with well-executed reps to promote a hypertrophic response. His philosophy is the basics – work to build a quality muscle foundation with size to follow. That’s why compound movements are critical to have in your routine.

* 5 workout days a week
* 2 rest/recovery days
* daily walk for cardiovascular health (when not in prep for competition)
* 1-2 Warm-up sets before working sets

Back Workout

calum von moger back


1. Chin Ups – 4 x AMRAP

2. Bent Over Rows – 4 x 8-12

3. Lat Pulldown – 4 x 8-12

4. Single-Arm DB Rows – 4 x 8-12

5. Close-grip Lat Pulldowns – 4 x 8-12


Legs Workout

calum von moger legs workout

1. Squats – 6 x 6-15

2. Leg Press – 4 x 8-12

3. Leg Extension – 4 x 8-12

4. Stiff Leg Deadlifts – 4 x 8-12

5. Lying Leg Curls – 4 x 15

6. Standing Calf Raise – Smith Machine – 5 x 20

7. Standing Calf Raise – Free Weights – 4 x 50

Arm Workout

calum von moger arm workout

1. Barbell Curls 5 x 6-12

2. Preacher Curls 4 x 6-10

3. Concentration Curls 4 x 6-10

4. Skull Crushers 5 x 6-12

5. Cable Extensions 4 x 8-12

6. Rope Pulldowns 3 x 10

Chest Workout

calum von moger chest workout

1. Barbell Bench Press- Flat Bench 5 x 5-15

2. Incline Bench Press- Dumbbells 4 x 6-12

3. Flat Dumbbell Flys 4 x 10-15

4. Dumbbell Pullovers 3 x 10-12

5. Dips 4 x AMRAP

Shoulders Workout

calum von moger shoulder workout

1. Seated Barbell Press 5 x 6-12

2. Seated Dumbbell Press 4 x 6-12

3. Lateral Raises 3 x 10

4. Rear Cable Flys 3 x 10

5. Barbell Shrugs 4 x 6-12

Abs Workout: 4 sets with 3 minutes rest in between

calum von moger abs workout

1. Full sit up: x 20 reps

2. Crunches: x 20 re

3. Abs bike: x 20 reps

4. Alternating heel taps: x 20 reps

5. Plank: 1 minute

Calum Von Moger Diet

In an interview with Simply Shredded, Calum says that his approach to nutrition is “everything in moderation”. He says he has a fast metabolism, making bulking harder, so he’s been known to feast on burgers and pizza often.

He does disclose a typical day of eating:

* Meal 1: 1 cup Oats, 1 Scoop Protein, Berries, and Yogurt
* Meal 2: 6 Egg Whites, 1 Egg, and 6 ounces of Buffalo Meat
* Meal 3: 9 ounces Chicken, 7 ounces Rice, and 1 cup of Vegetables
* Meal 4: 9 ounces Red Meat and 7 ounces Potato
* Meal 5: 9 ounces Chicken, 7 ounces Rice, Salad, and 1 cup of Vegetables
* Meal 6: 12 Egg Whites and cup Cream of Rice
* Between meals: He’ll usually have up to 3 protein shakes a day.

Calum Von Moger Supplements: Top 5

He maintains these core supplements in his daily regimen.

Protein  His brand offers a selection of whey, Mass gainers, and plant-based in a variety of flavors

Pre-workout – Several stimulant-free options are available with ingredients like l-citrulline and vitamin B12, promoting endurance and enhancing performance.

Krill Oil – Full of Omega 3, promotes recovery and anti-inflammatory response

Joint Relief – Speeds recovery time and helps provide joint support.

DAA – D-Aspartic Acid – Used to boost testosterone levels in the body. Testosterone aids in muscle building, strength, recovery, mental focus, and libido.

Calum Von Moger is the epitome of the bodybuilder’s success story. He has overcome injury and prospered, making a name for himself and setting a standard for the expectation of muscle quality and conditioning on and off the stage. He shows promise in the IFBB as fans await his pro debut. In the meantime, he is providing a guide for the ultimate physique and the lifestyle that comes with it.

“Be hungry for success, hungry to make your mark, hungry to be seen and to be heard and to have an effect. And as you move up and become successful, make sure you’re also hungry for helping others.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

ashley conrad – 21 day clutch cut

Ashley Conrad – Is the 21 day clutch cut worth trying?

Ashley Conrad is a nutrition and fitness expert and is famous for the 21-day clutch cut diet and exercise program. It’s a short-term benefit program for most and a great program for the few.

If you want to develop your booty or simply get strong, fit and toned, this is a great program. There are pitfalls like any other fitness program but this one is particularly hard. If you just want to lose fat or you want to get a booster before you start the program, I fully recommend this 21 Day Smoothie diet to get you ahead of the game. Now, lets dive into the 21 Day Clutch Cut…

ashley conrad clutch cut

You will burn belly fat, but jumping into this program feet first could be catastrophic and put you into inertia and I’ll explain why because three weeks of this is intense but there are alternative ways to tackle the program…

21 Day Clutch Cut

What is it? A free, intensive online 3-week training and dieting program that is designed to get you looking and feeling the best version of yourself. Dieting will help you lose weight but the exercise will give you strength, positivity and tone your body to the maximum. There are other ways to strengthen and tone all of your body but the Ashley Conrad clutch cut is a very short, direct way to catapult your progress.

Why did Ashley Conrad choose only 21 days?

Ashley Conrad designed the training program that way because it was initially aimed at celebrities so they could be ‘TV ready’.  A celebrity has only 3 weeks in their diary to commit. They’re busy people!

Does the 21 day clutch cut work?

Well…yes. Like most programs, they all work but deciding if it will work for you is the main question that needs answering because there is a crucial consideration that needs to be taken into account…

How much does 21 day clutch cut cost?

The program itself is free. That said, it does have a financial cost because supplements will need to be bought if you’re following the program. Your shopping list will be more expensive because you go organic and dairy-free.

Ashley Conrad: 21 day clutch overview


  1. No Dairy
  2. No processed foods
  3. No preservatives, fillers or colour
  4. No Gluten
  5. Eat every 3 hours
  6. Drink 8 pints of water daily with lemon
  7. Eat organic


  • 3 days of cardio HIIT followed by Core/Abs circuit
  • 3 days of weight training (full body circuit)
  • The cardio day is followed by a weight training day


You will need supplements if you want to make sure you complete the 21 day clutch cut or any other fitness program. Training programs are hard enough and often people think they can skip supps to save money and you can but it just makes it 10 times harder.

Organic and dairy free supplements are the way to go if you’re aligned with Ashley Conrad and I would advise that you get the ones that are FDA inspected so you know you’re buying safe. Look for this logo:

clutch bodybuilding

Recommended Supplements

I’ve listed 3 dairy, soy and gluten-free supplements which will help you with the program, these particular products are not listed by Ashley Conrad as they no longer seem to be on the market. I have provided excellent alternatives. If you’re unsure about supplements I have an excellent FREE BOOK that tells you everything you need to know. The supps below are FDA registered and from an outstanding source called ‘Bulk Supplements’.*

  1. Hemp Seed Protein Support the muscles and promotes recovery after exercise giving you the benefits of your awesome effort and toning your muscles
  2. Coconut Oil Softgels. Weight loss, fat burning benefits and appetite control making sure you stay away from those little devils called carbohydrates.
  3. Alcar HCI (Acetyl L-Carnitine HCI). To boost energy and endurance making sure you stay focused and energised to complete your program.

Advantages of the 21 day clutch 

Most advantages are subjective, meaning that you would perhaps like to do this for personal reasons; To look great on the beach this summer, to get the partner you always wanted, to turn heads and so on. Some of the more generic advantages are:

    1. It’s a Short Program. 21 days is a short period of time so for a health and fitness enthusiast, it’s doable.
    2. It’s Organic and Dairy-Free. You are gonna purge your body and feel great after only 3 weeks
    3. Potential Long-Term Benefits. It’s a very short but effective program and the effects will be bolstered with supplementation. Therefore, the results will likely encourage you, particularly when compared to other long-term/less intense programs.

Don’t Let The Disadvantages Put You Off! There Is A Solution…


clutch cut ashley conard

  1. It’s  For The Few and Not The Many. Although you get a huge transformation, it is still only 3 weeks. If you’re 50 kg heavier than your optimum weight, don’t expect to have a stomach like a washboard after you finish the program. It just isn’t going to happen.
  2. It’s Almost Too Intense. You have to be ready to take on this challenge. If you are not used to exercising, it isn’t a program I would encourage you to take on.
  3. If You Fail It Will Cost You. If you don’t heed point number 2 and you do not complete the program as directed, you could end up with inertia and end up feeling bad about yourself.
  4. It Can Be Very Pricey. Consuming dairy alternatives, gluten-free products, organic foods and supplements will cost you extra money and if you follow the recommended supplement intake the price can rack up.
  5. You Need Supplements. Without supplements, you will not get the results you hoped for because elite performance and fast recovery are critical.

“Before I give you a solution let me explain why many intense diet and exercise routines fail”…

Habit’s and Lifestyle

I’m tired of seeing posts and programs about how to look great in no time, the latest crash diet, 3-minute abs programs. As a program, most are pretty good but they don’t advise you how to prepare and progress for sustainable results so that you remain fit, healthy and toned for the long term.

People fail (in part) because they take on too much and try to achieve their goals too quickly because we’ve got into the habit of wanting instant results.

ashley conrad

It can be difficult to handle the massive lifestyle change because we’re creatures of habit and changing most of your habits on day one of a fitness program is too much.

Do you want sustainable transformation? Change your habits gradually

After 10 days or so of starting a new habit, it becomes easier but after around 30 days it becomes something we cannot do without.

Remember, don’t try and change too many habits at once!!! Here’s an example of what to do:


  1. Exercise 3 times per week
  2. Drink 1 pint of water first thing in the morning and immediately after exercise
  3. Start to cut out gluten by eliminating bread from your diet and cutting down on cakes and sweets


Whilst maintaining the habits from week one:

  1. Complete 1 session of stretching/mobility/yoga
  2. Increase your water intake by drinking 1 pint of water before mealtimes
  3. Limit dairy by starting to source non-dairy alternatives and ease into the change


Whilst maintaining the habits from weeks one and two:

  1. Specify your 3 exercise routines and think about targeting certain areas for week 4
  2. Increase your water intake by drinking in between meals and adding lemon
  3. Limit processed foods to weekends only


Whilst maintaining the habits from weeks one, two and three:

  1. Increase to 4 targeted exercise routines upper body/lower body/core and start walking on your off days
  2. Eliminate dairy altogether
  3. Eat every 3 hours but do not overeat

Have you noticed that this random routine is gradual?  By the end of week 5 (35 days) you will have built fairly solid habits but if you tried to achieve all of these habits as a whole in week one, you would probably fail.

Imagine what you would look like by week 12?…

Notice also that a complete habit isn’t changed all at once

Bread is cut out but not gluten altogether, that can be cut out over time as you get used to the change. Same with the water, gradually increase your intake and drinking at certain times, etc.

By changing your habits gradually, you set yourself up for long-term success.

How to approach any health or fitness routine

To TRANSFORM your body and mind, you have to spread your energy adequately over time with each habit.  Most people cannot get long-lasting results by changing all of their habits on day one. If you are a long-term fitness fanatic then you stand a chance but it’s not for most people.

“I’m not saying don’t do the 21 day clutch cut, I’m saying do it over a longer period of time”

I’m also saying that you would be wise to customise any program so that you are not setting the bar too high and pressuring yourself into trying to get results that you are unlikely to achieve. Nobody wants to be emotionally crushed or lose confidence.

Goal setting for fitness or weight loss

How are you going to achieve something if you don’t know what it is? Simply saying I want to lose weight is not good enough because you cannot measure your progress. Remember the SMART goal strategy? Take a look at the example below:

  • Specific-I want to lose 10 kg
  • Measurable-I will weigh myself at 9 am every Sunday to see if I am winning
  • Achievable-I have a diet and exercise routine that I will stick to that will help me lose weight
  • Realistic-I’m not trying to get instant results, I have a strategy that I can handle
  • Time bound-I have a maximum of 2 months to achieve my goal

The beauty about setting goals and customizing your diet and training program over months rather than weeks is that you reduce the pressure on yourself and the chances of having a body that looks great for the long term is much higher.

Setting goals gives you complete control over your effort and progress and when you make progress, you feel good about yourself and become more encouraged.

If you start to lose weight fast but you are finding it very difficult, relieve the pressure by not being too aggressive with your diet or if you find it easy, raise the bar!


If you’re an average person, don’t do a 21-day clutch cut, do, say a 90-day clutch cut. Remember that if you were to just jump in, you would likely end up feeling bad about yourself and you don’t deserve that. Make sure you customise a plan that will have you looking and feeling great in the long term.

*Always read the label and consult your health care provider before taking any supplements

ashkey conrad 21 day clutch