ashley conrad – 21 day clutch cut

Ashley Conrad – Is the 21 day clutch cut worth trying?

Ashley Conrad is a nutrition and fitness expert and is famous for the 21-day clutch cut diet and exercise program. It’s a short-term benefit program for most and a great program for the few.

If you want to develop your booty or simply get strong, fit and toned, this is a great program. There are pitfalls like any other fitness program but this one is particularly hard. If you just want to lose fat or you want to get a booster before you start the program, I fully recommend this 21 Day Smoothie diet to get you ahead of the game. Now, lets dive into the 21 Day Clutch Cut…

ashley conrad clutch cut

You will burn belly fat, but jumping into this program feet first could be catastrophic and put you into inertia and I’ll explain why because three weeks of this is intense but there are alternative ways to tackle the program…

21 Day Clutch Cut

What is it? A free, intensive online 3-week training and dieting program that is designed to get you looking and feeling the best version of yourself. Dieting will help you lose weight but the exercise will give you strength, positivity and tone your body to the maximum. There are other ways to strengthen and tone all of your body but the Ashley Conrad clutch cut is a very short, direct way to catapult your progress.

Why did Ashley Conrad choose only 21 days?

Ashley Conrad designed the training program that way because it was initially aimed at celebrities so they could be ‘TV ready’.  A celebrity has only 3 weeks in their diary to commit. They’re busy people!

Does the 21 day clutch cut work?

Well…yes. Like most programs, they all work but deciding if it will work for you is the main question that needs answering because there is a crucial consideration that needs to be taken into account…

How much does 21 day clutch cut cost?

The program itself is free. That said, it does have a financial cost because supplements will need to be bought if you’re following the program. Your shopping list will be more expensive because you go organic and dairy-free.

Ashley Conrad: 21 day clutch overview


  1. No Dairy
  2. No processed foods
  3. No preservatives, fillers or colour
  4. No Gluten
  5. Eat every 3 hours
  6. Drink 8 pints of water daily with lemon
  7. Eat organic


  • 3 days of cardio HIIT followed by Core/Abs circuit
  • 3 days of weight training (full body circuit)
  • The cardio day is followed by a weight training day


You will need supplements if you want to make sure you complete the 21 day clutch cut or any other fitness program. Training programs are hard enough and often people think they can skip supps to save money and you can but it just makes it 10 times harder.

Organic and dairy free supplements are the way to go if you’re aligned with Ashley Conrad and I would advise that you get the ones that are FDA inspected so you know you’re buying safe. Look for this logo:

clutch bodybuilding

Recommended Supplements

I’ve listed 3 dairy, soy and gluten-free supplements which will help you with the program, these particular products are not listed by Ashley Conrad as they no longer seem to be on the market. I have provided excellent alternatives. If you’re unsure about supplements I have an excellent FREE BOOK that tells you everything you need to know. The supps below are FDA registered and from an outstanding source called ‘Bulk Supplements’.*

  1. Hemp Seed Protein Support the muscles and promotes recovery after exercise giving you the benefits of your awesome effort and toning your muscles
  2. Coconut Oil Softgels. Weight loss, fat burning benefits and appetite control making sure you stay away from those little devils called carbohydrates.
  3. Alcar HCI (Acetyl L-Carnitine HCI). To boost energy and endurance making sure you stay focused and energised to complete your program.

Advantages of the 21 day clutch 

Most advantages are subjective, meaning that you would perhaps like to do this for personal reasons; To look great on the beach this summer, to get the partner you always wanted, to turn heads and so on. Some of the more generic advantages are:

    1. It’s a Short Program. 21 days is a short period of time so for a health and fitness enthusiast, it’s doable.
    2. It’s Organic and Dairy-Free. You are gonna purge your body and feel great after only 3 weeks
    3. Potential Long-Term Benefits. It’s a very short but effective program and the effects will be bolstered with supplementation. Therefore, the results will likely encourage you, particularly when compared to other long-term/less intense programs.

Don’t Let The Disadvantages Put You Off! There Is A Solution…


clutch cut ashley conard

  1. It’s  For The Few and Not The Many. Although you get a huge transformation, it is still only 3 weeks. If you’re 50 kg heavier than your optimum weight, don’t expect to have a stomach like a washboard after you finish the program. It just isn’t going to happen.
  2. It’s Almost Too Intense. You have to be ready to take on this challenge. If you are not used to exercising, it isn’t a program I would encourage you to take on.
  3. If You Fail It Will Cost You. If you don’t heed point number 2 and you do not complete the program as directed, you could end up with inertia and end up feeling bad about yourself.
  4. It Can Be Very Pricey. Consuming dairy alternatives, gluten-free products, organic foods and supplements will cost you extra money and if you follow the recommended supplement intake the price can rack up.
  5. You Need Supplements. Without supplements, you will not get the results you hoped for because elite performance and fast recovery are critical.

“Before I give you a solution let me explain why many intense diet and exercise routines fail”…

Habit’s and Lifestyle

I’m tired of seeing posts and programs about how to look great in no time, the latest crash diet, 3-minute abs programs. As a program, most are pretty good but they don’t advise you how to prepare and progress for sustainable results so that you remain fit, healthy and toned for the long term.

People fail (in part) because they take on too much and try to achieve their goals too quickly because we’ve got into the habit of wanting instant results.

ashley conrad

It can be difficult to handle the massive lifestyle change because we’re creatures of habit and changing most of your habits on day one of a fitness program is too much.

Do you want sustainable transformation? Change your habits gradually

After 10 days or so of starting a new habit, it becomes easier but after around 30 days it becomes something we cannot do without.

Remember, don’t try and change too many habits at once!!! Here’s an example of what to do:


  1. Exercise 3 times per week
  2. Drink 1 pint of water first thing in the morning and immediately after exercise
  3. Start to cut out gluten by eliminating bread from your diet and cutting down on cakes and sweets


Whilst maintaining the habits from week one:

  1. Complete 1 session of stretching/mobility/yoga
  2. Increase your water intake by drinking 1 pint of water before mealtimes
  3. Limit dairy by starting to source non-dairy alternatives and ease into the change


Whilst maintaining the habits from weeks one and two:

  1. Specify your 3 exercise routines and think about targeting certain areas for week 4
  2. Increase your water intake by drinking in between meals and adding lemon
  3. Limit processed foods to weekends only


Whilst maintaining the habits from weeks one, two and three:

  1. Increase to 4 targeted exercise routines upper body/lower body/core and start walking on your off days
  2. Eliminate dairy altogether
  3. Eat every 3 hours but do not overeat

Have you noticed that this random routine is gradual?  By the end of week 5 (35 days) you will have built fairly solid habits but if you tried to achieve all of these habits as a whole in week one, you would probably fail.

Imagine what you would look like by week 12?…

Notice also that a complete habit isn’t changed all at once

Bread is cut out but not gluten altogether, that can be cut out over time as you get used to the change. Same with the water, gradually increase your intake and drinking at certain times, etc.

By changing your habits gradually, you set yourself up for long-term success.

How to approach any health or fitness routine

To TRANSFORM your body and mind, you have to spread your energy adequately over time with each habit.  Most people cannot get long-lasting results by changing all of their habits on day one. If you are a long-term fitness fanatic then you stand a chance but it’s not for most people.

“I’m not saying don’t do the 21 day clutch cut, I’m saying do it over a longer period of time”

I’m also saying that you would be wise to customise any program so that you are not setting the bar too high and pressuring yourself into trying to get results that you are unlikely to achieve. Nobody wants to be emotionally crushed or lose confidence.

Goal setting for fitness or weight loss

How are you going to achieve something if you don’t know what it is? Simply saying I want to lose weight is not good enough because you cannot measure your progress. Remember the SMART goal strategy? Take a look at the example below:

  • Specific-I want to lose 10 kg
  • Measurable-I will weigh myself at 9 am every Sunday to see if I am winning
  • Achievable-I have a diet and exercise routine that I will stick to that will help me lose weight
  • Realistic-I’m not trying to get instant results, I have a strategy that I can handle
  • Time bound-I have a maximum of 2 months to achieve my goal

The beauty about setting goals and customizing your diet and training program over months rather than weeks is that you reduce the pressure on yourself and the chances of having a body that looks great for the long term is much higher.

Setting goals gives you complete control over your effort and progress and when you make progress, you feel good about yourself and become more encouraged.

If you start to lose weight fast but you are finding it very difficult, relieve the pressure by not being too aggressive with your diet or if you find it easy, raise the bar!


If you’re an average person, don’t do a 21-day clutch cut, do, say a 90-day clutch cut. Remember that if you were to just jump in, you would likely end up feeling bad about yourself and you don’t deserve that. Make sure you customise a plan that will have you looking and feeling great in the long term.

*Always read the label and consult your health care provider before taking any supplements

ashkey conrad 21 day clutch