Joshua J Blaize Super Pump Biceps Workout Plus 6 tips to Reduce Lactic Acid

Joshua J Blaize

Joshua J Blaize is a competitive bodybuilder with the most spectacular biceps. His biceps routine is made up of killer supersets achievable by anybody in any gym. There are no crazy machines or resources needed but you will need to reduce the amount of lactic acid in your muscles during your workout because it’s a burner. It’s an intense workout especially when you compare it with say Helmut Strebls workout which is relatively simple.

joshua j blaize

This 5-minute post will show you the incredible super pump biceps workout with critical form tips and 6 often overlooked tips on how to get through it without the overwhelming lactic acid burn. Without preventing the burn, you will not be able to get through the Joshua J Blaize super pump biceps workout to get the insane results that he does.


Joshua J Blaize Super Pump Biceps Workout: Supersets

There are 8 exercises that make up the 4 supersets so there is an incredible volume in a short period of time which is why you get the massive pump. All of them should be in the standing position except the machine curls.


1Hammer Curls412-15
Spider Curls410-12
2Cable Curls410-12
EZ Bar (Standing)412-15
3Dumbell Hammer Curls412-15
EZ Bar (Standing)510-12
4Dumbell Curls312-15
Machine Curls312-15

Exercise tips

  1. Use the Hammer Curl bar, it’s often underused.
  2. When standing, place one foot in front of the other to avoid ‘swaying’ forwards and backwards and assisting the exercise. Where possible, do the exercises with your back against the wall to further isolate the bicep.
  3. Stand up straight and keep your body and spine aligned.
  4. Keep your core/abs engaged during the reps.
  5. Breath out during flexion and breath in during extension as if pumping the air out of your lungs.
  6. Reduce the rests between supersets as much as possible; aim to achieve all repetitions and increase rest by up to 2 minutes. If you still can’t achieve all of the reps, reduce the load. FORM IS KING!!
  7. Keep the elbows tucked in and if you cannot prevent them from moving forwards during the exercise, increase the rest in between sets by up to 2 minutes or reduce the load.
  8. Adjust the width of your grip for variation and total coverage of the biceps.

Increasing Your Lactic Acid Threshold

When Lactic Acid starts to build up to a point where the pain stops you from getting any more reps out-you have reached your Lactate Threshold. To increase your threshold do this:

  1. STAY HYDRATED. That means being fully hydrated as you enter the gym and staying hydrated throughout and afterwards. Your urine should be straw-like in colour. Not clear or brown/orange.
  2. EAT A BALANCED DIET. Choose whole grains, fruit and vegetables and lean meats.
  3. REST. Your body needs to be given an optimum amount of rest between exercises. Give yourself too much rest between supersets and you stifle your progress, not enough rest will reduce the volume. Be patient and work out your optimum rest and remember it for future workouts. Be rigid with your rest periods and don’t allow your rest period to lapse or your progress will be affected.
  4. SLEEP. Not having enough sleep puts the brakes on your lifting potential and your muscle growth potential. This is often overlooked and excused with ” I get on ok with only 6 hours sleep”. Don’t kid yourself, your body gets tired and ends up with a massive amount of sleep debt and it makes you weaker.
  5. TAKE DEEP BREATHS. Shallow breathing or holding your breath is dangerous. Taking deep breaths in during the lift and breaths out as you finish the rep will deliver a good supply of Oxygen which helps to break down and burn off the lactic acid. 
  6. USE BETA ALANINE.  Reduce muscle fatigue and lactic acid with quality Beta-Alanine. Try to get up to 5 grammes each day but consider more for high-intensity workouts. Beta-Alanine is often added to pre-workout drinks for maximum effect and taken with creatine monohydrate. Other benefits include:
    1. It builds lean muscle.
    2. It blocks fat.
    3. Decreases Fatigue
    4. Fast recovery after exercise.
    5. IncreaseS Cardnosine.
    6. Maximises Endurance
    7. Anti-Aging Properties.
    8. Supports the Nervous System.
    9. Promotes Brain Health.

joshua j blaze biceps pump