How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat: With or Without Exercise

How To Get Rid Of Armpit Fat With Or Without Diet Or Exercise

Even people who diet and exercise can’t seem to get rid of armpit fat and it can totally ruin your body shape. They make your armpits sweat more, your clothes get wet and if you’re not self-conscious enough, the odour that you think people can smell around you can dirty. Not exactly a boost for a potential relationship.How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat

It’s as stubborn and as ugly as belly fat and we don’t necessarily have time for the gym. The problem is that our busy lives are fast-moving but our metabolism is grinding to a halt and we just keep piling on the wobbly fat.

Here you will find out how to get rid of armpit fat with or without diet and exercise or you could go the rapid effective route of speeding up your metabolism. Check out these proven killer tips below.

How To Get Rid Of Armpit Fat Without Diet And Exercise

1. Speed Up Your Metabolism

Some people are just born with a slow metabolism and put on weight very easily but for people that a slow metabolism it is insanely difficult to get rid of armpit fat. This is because of the low levels of brown adipose tissue that our bodies naturally produce.

The amount of brown adipose tissues determine how quickly our metabolism works. The more of this tissue you have, the faster and easier it is for your metabolism to burn your body’s calories and get rid of fat. You can learn how to get speed up your metabolism here.

2. Exfoliate to Remove Dead Skin

This doesn’t get rid of armpit fat but exfoliating will promote the growth of new skin cells. If you want to make your arms look leaner then exfoliating is one easy way to do it!

3. Keep Hydrated

Making sure you are properly hydrated is a key point when it comes to getting rid of armpit fat. If you are not drinking enough water it can cause your arms to look bigger and fatter.

A lot of people don’t drink enough water and they think they can get rid of armpit fat by simply running more, but that is not the case.How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat fast

How To Get Rid Of Armpit Fat With Exercise

4. Run or Walk More

Run or walk more so your body can burn the fat off. It’s a great way to get rid of armpit fat. It may not seem like it’s as effective as some other activities like step aerobics or swimming but running can really help you get rid of armpit fat.

5. Train to Increase Your Metabolism

Resistance training will burn calories and get rid of armpit fat, especially if you do calisthenics. It strengthens joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. It also increases bone density and will burn calories fast.

You will need to be disciplined and make sure you make time for yourself, even if only 20 minutes each day. Calisthenics includes more than one muscle group per exercise and is just about the best form of exercise and they can even help you live longer.

6. Arm/Chest Specific Exercises

Your arms can be strengthened and toned to help your arms be predominant with chiseled lean muscle once you get rid of armpit fat, showing them to be more shapely and sexier instead of wobbly fat. Try to include these in your routine:

Biceps-Bicep Curls, hammer curls, reverse curls
Triceps/Chest-Triceps extension, Skull crushers, press-ups, Close Grip Bench Press, Kickbacks, Triceps Extension with a rope attachment, Dips.

How To Get Rid Of Armpit Fat With Diet

7. Burn More Calories

If calories are burned, fat is burned so if you take the exercises from point 3 and include them in a sharp, fast exercise routine you will burn off fat. Just make sure that you burn more calories than you take in.

Remember that the average female needs around 1500 calories each day just to support bodily functions and the nervous system. You will need more calories to exercise.

As an example, if you burn off 300 calories in a 20-minute exercise routine, have only a 250-calorie meal afterward.

8. Eat only Lean Protein

Protein will help repair and shape the muscle in your arms and chest. It keeps you fuller for longer so it’s easier to resist the urge to snack. Have a protein-rich breakfast of eggs or porridge with water instead of milk and chocolate protein powder, it’s tasty and filling with good slow-release carbs. Do eat plenty of greens, fruits, and veggies during the day too!How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat

9. Avoid Processed Food

Processed food is just plain bad. Tasty, but very bad for our heart and they put fat on your arms very quickly especially if you have a slow metabolism.

Avoid processed foods where possible and choose simple unprocessed food that doesn’t contain any hydrogenated fat. Choosing simple natural butter rather than margarine is an example of a good food choice.

10. Avoid Simple Carbs and Go For Complex Carbs

Simple carbs such as sugar, white flour-based food and white rice basically convert to sugar very quickly and can cause a huge spike in blood sugar and can very quickly turn to fat if not burned off.

Complex carbs such as wholegrains, wholemeal flour, brown rice, legumes and vegetable do this much slower and will reduce the spike and reduce the accumulation of fat in your arms.

Now you know how to get rid of armpit fat it’s up to you to make the change. You can do it, it’s a case of planning and willpower. I get it, it can be hard because our lifestyles and commitments to other people and things in our life can make this very difficult.

If you can’t find the time to diet and exercise, speed up your metabolism…


Remember this…if you can get rid of your armpit fat, you will have much better confidence about you, feeling embarrassed about your appearance and not becoming the best version of yourself is a waste.

You are the most important person in your life. If you feel great, you will likely make the people in your life feel great too. Get rid of armpit fat, you deserve it.

If you have fat or want to improve certain areas of your body, just follow the links below:How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat fast

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